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Foundations of Nursing

Guide for Foundations and Fundamentals of Nursing, including study habits, notetaking, and flashcards

Difference Between Reading and College and Reading for Fun

What's the difference between reading in college and reading for fun? They're all books, aren't they?

Well yes...and no. College requires a higher reading load in terms of page count, but also in terms of comprehension. Although textbooks has the word "book" in it, it serves a different purpose versus a fiction or even non-fiction book. Look at the table below to see some of the differences between textbooks and fiction and non-fiction books:

Textbooks Fiction/Non-Fiction
Meant to explain a topic to you, in detail. For entertainment or to broadly explain a topic to you.
Prepares you for a career or field. Enough information for the general public, maybe a little more.
Must read to pass exams and/or complete assignments. Driven by interest; chosen.
Has deadlines you have to read certain chapters by. Allowed to read when chosen.