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OSUIT Syllabi Management Spring 2020: Psychology - PSYC
Spring 2020
Arts, Sciences & Health
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Accounting - ACCT
Applied Technical Leadership - ATLE
American Sign Language - ASL
Business Administration - BADM
Biology - BIOL
Chemistry - CHEM
Computer Science - CS
Culinary Arts - CUA
Economics - ECON
English - ENGL
General Studies - GEN
Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEOL
General Technology - GTGE
Health & Human Performance - HHP
History - HIST
Humanities - HUM
Mathematics - MATH
Management - MGMT
Nutritional Sciences - NSCI
Nursing - NURS
Orthotic & Prosthetic Technologies - OPT
Orientation - ORIE
Philosophy - PHIL
Physical Science - PHYS
Political Science - POLS
Psychology - PSYC
Reading - READ
Sociology - SOC
Spanish - SPAN
Speech - SPCH
Statistics - STAT
Creative & Information Technologies
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Graphic Design - GRD
Multimedia Technology - MMT
Information Technologies - ITD
Visual Communications - VIS
Photography - PHO
Engineering & Construction Technologies
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Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - ACR
Building Construction - BLD
Civil Engineering Technology - CET
Construction Technology - CNS
Electrical Construction Technology - ECNT
Engineering Technologies - ETD
Electrical & Electronics Technologies - ETDE
Engineering Graphics & Design - ETDG
General Technology - Air Conditioning - GTAC
General Technology - Construction- GTCT
General Technology - Engineering - GTET
High Voltage Lineman - HVLP
Natural Gas Compression Technologies - SEGC
Pipeline Integrity Technology - SEPL
Power Plant Technology - SEPP
Surveying - SURV
Industrial Maintenance Technologies - SEIM
Transportation & Heavy Equipment
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Automotive Service Technologies Pro-Tech - AUMP
Automotive Service Technologies Ford ASSET - AUMF
Automotive Service Technologies GM ASEP - AUMG
Automotive Service Technologies Chrysler MOPAR® CAP - AUMC
Automotive Service Technologies Toyota T-TEN - TTEN
CAT Dealer Prep - DHEC
Komatsu ACT - DHEK
Truck Technician - DHEU
Western Equipment Dealers Association (WEDA) Technician - DHER
General Technology - Automotive - GTAU
PSYC 1113 20183
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20183 | Dr. James J.Quinn
PSYC 1113 20184
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20184 | Dr. James J.Quinn
PSYC 1113 20185
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20185 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 1113 20186
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20186 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 1113 20187
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20187 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 1113 20519
Spring 2020 | Web | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20519 | Dr. James J.Quinn
PSYC 1113 20520
Spring 2020 | Web | PSYC 1113 Introductory Psychology | 20520 | Dr. James J.Quinn
PSYC 2313 20189
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 2313 Psychology of Personal Adjustment | 20189 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 2313 20354
Spring 2020 | Web | PSYC 2313 Psychology of Personal Adjustment | 20354 | Michelle L. Clevenger
PSYC 2583 20188
Spring 2020 | Traditional | PSYC 2583 Developmental Psychology | 20188 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 2583 20352
Spring 2020 | Web | PSYC 2583 Developmental Psychology | 20352 | Teresa Cash
PSYC 2583 20538
Spring 2020 | Web | PSYC 2583 Developmental Psychology | 20538 | Michelle L. Clevenger
Political Science - POLS
Reading - READ >>